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Sprache Level Redewendung Bedeutung Satz-Nummer
4 That's the drop that breaks the camel's back. Now it's too much! 9
That's the drop that breaks the camel's back.
4 give me goosebumps touch me very emotionally 15
Some songs give me goosebumps, others make me cry.
4 with the best will in the world it is not possible to do something even if one wants to do it very much 45
The goalkeeper could not prevent the first goal with the best will in the world.
4 It's raining cats and dogs. it is raining heavily 53
It's raining cats and dogs.
3 what's wrong with you? 58
You are very quiet today, what's wrong with you?
4 go tits up fail completely 59
You're lucky, it could have gone tits up!
4 totally off my rocker in a very bad shape 85
Yesterday I was totally off my rocker!
4 stand someone up not turning up for an arranged meeting 96
Won't you tell me why you stood me up yesterday?
4 to put under pressure 119
In chess it is an effective way to go on the offensive and put the opponent under pressure.
4 a hot potato A problem so controversial and sensitive that it is risky to deal with 143
The subject of bullying and fighting in my school is a hot potato.
5 Sure as eggs is eggs something that is definitely going to happen 145
He'll be back, asking for more money. Sure as eggs is eggs.
5 to kill two birds with one stone to achieve two aims at once. 146
If you solve two matters at once you kill two birds with one stone.
3 my stomach’s growling my stomach wants to get something 191
I’m hungry, my stomach’s growling.
2 shut your mouth say nothing 194
Please shut your mouth, I can't concentrate,
4 I'm broke I haven't any money left 245
Last night I spent my last bucks in the bar, now I'm broke.
5 he had his hands tied he was forced by law 263
The judge would have liked to sentence him to a milder penalty; however, he had his hands tied.
5 put on the back burner it is set to low priority. 264
The project has been put on the back burner due to new priorities.
5 out of the blue sky totally unexpected 265
The information that she had cancer at an advanced stage came out of the blue sky.
4 gonna going to 272
I'm not gonna let you make fun of me.
2 Does that sound fair enough? Is that okay? 308
Does that sound fair enough?
4 it occurred to me I have noticed 313
Suddenly it occurred to me that I forgot to close the front door.
5 have a skeleton in the cupboard! an embarrassing or shameful secret 323
Be careful with him, I think he's got a skeleton in the cupboard!
5 I couldn't believe my eyes I can't believe it 327
I couldn't believe my eyes: it was a fringed rug!
5 I can't make head nor tail of I don't understand 338
Things are in such a mess that I can't make head nor tail of anything.
4 I can't get my head around it. I can't forget it 339
I can't get my head around it.
4 he always has an excuse! 359
He can do so much wrong, he always has an excuse!
5 to kill two birds with one stone 367
With the guitar lessons in Italian I kill two birds with one stone: I learn to play the guitar as well as Italian.
4 exceptions prove the rule usually it is not so 394
Okay, this is not supposed to happen, but: exceptions prove the rule!
4 luck is with the brave 395
That could have turned out very badly, but luck is with the brave.
4 to step on someone's toes bother or annoy anybody 431
No matter what you do or say, you'll be stepping on someone's toes.
5 to put a spoke in the wheel to prevent the success from another one 432
I don't want to put a spoke in the wheel, but this case is politically very sensitive.
4 Do me a favor 433
Do me a favor, stay out of it.
4 it doesn't matter it's unimportant 434
It doesn't matter how much it brings in, I don't care about the money!
5 to feel the urge feel that something must be done 470
But even those who did not actually feel the urge to build up stocks are made insecure by the hamster purchases of others.
4 don't worry 486
I have someone who can help you! Don't worry about it. I can do it myself.
9 keep in check to controle 501
A cure for AIDS is still fundamentally impossible today. With the help of antiretroviral drugs, however, the pathogen can be kept in check.
4 out of the blue suddenly and unexpectedly 506
We got married and now, six months later, out of the blue, she leaves me.
3 it's a small world 510
Imagine, I met my neighbor on vacation in Morocco! Oh yes, it's a small world.
4 in all probability highly probable 512
In all probability, the resumption of Bundesliga matches will initially only be possible in empty stadiums.
4 to keep a cool head calmly think about something 533
Emotions are not always a good advisor, often it is better to keep a cool head.
5 it would be too good to be true! it is very unlikely 559
A man who voluntarily carries down the garbage and who voluntarily clears out the dishwasher? That would be too good to be true!
2 to give a hand to help 562
Could you give me a hand?
3 to some extent more or less 565
Do you speak French? Yes, to some extent.
8 on edge nervous 680
Oklahoma is on edge as President Trump and thousands of his supporters head to town for the first campaign rally in months.
8 within reach very near 749
In the meantime, the negotiators have passed the 84-hour mark. The record for the longest EU summit ever is within reach.
4 off the beaten track away from the mainstream 757
The Faroe Islands in the cold North Atlantic, between Iceland and Norway, are off the beaten track.
3 it is worth 784
Today is a starry night, it is worth looking up.
3 Don't mention it. 795
I would like to thank you for your help! Don't mention it.
3 I wouldn't mind I have nothing against it 822
I wouldn't mind a prosecco.
3 we can't complain 824
Yeah, we can't complain, everyone's fine.
4 to be up for something to want to do something 833
You say it will be an adventure? All the better, I'm always up for it!
5 come into force become valid as law 836
A 15-day strict lockdown has come into force in Cuba's capital Havana. There is also a night-time curfew from 19: 00 to 5:00 in the morning.
4 to be under criticism 852
Billionaire Trump is under criticism after it became public that he paid hardly any taxes.
5 fear for their existence 868
Losses running into billions and no prospect of a rapid recovery in air traffic: airports in Germany fear for their existence in the corona crisis.
8 to give the green light to clear the way 945
Trump gives the green light to hand over official duties to his successor.
5 be that as it may all right, well 971
Be that as it may, that's not the way we will agree!
5 Shit happens Sometimes things just go wrong 1021
Shit happens! But if we had taken a taxi, we wouldn't have missed the plane.
4 Thank God 1067
Thank God, only two people were slightly injured in the accident, which could have ended worse.
3 splendid isolation 1073
From today on Great Britain lives again in splendid isolation, good luck!
4 talk one's head off talk quickly and incessantly 1095
She talked her head off and was simply unstoppable!
5 sweep under the carpet hide something 1179
A lot of things were swept under the carpet that went wrong with the procurement of the vaccines.
4 it's not my turn yet 1302
Do you already have a corona vaccination appointment? No, I haven't, it's not my turn yet!
9 have to dig deep into their pockets it's very expensive 1314
Anyone taking a holiday on this island has to dig deep into their pockets, because Fernando de Noronha has been operating a kind of travel restriction via pricing for many years.
4 Take the opportunity 1332
Take the opportunity, it won't come back anytime soon!
3 it doesn't matter it's not important 1342
The price doesn't matter to me, the main thing is the quality.
5 to be at the cutting edge to be at the forefront 1343
To be "at the cutting edge" means to be at the forefront, where new developments are taking place.
5 to smooth things over mitigate an argument 1390
I tried to smooth things over, but the argument was already too far advanced.
8 as the crow flies in direct line 1402
Geographically it belongs to Polynesia, politically to Chile: Easter Island is located about 3700 kilometres off the mainland of Chile as the crow flies.
4 give a hand help with something 1417
Damn, I just can't get this right, can you give me a hand?
8 to get cold feet withdraw out of fear 1427
It's always the same! When the going gets tough, he gets cold feet!
3 Hats off! give a big thumbs up 1482
Hats off! You did a really good job!
4 to be not averse to like to do something 1493
Attention, he is not averse to a little provocation.
3 God helps those who help themselves. 1507
God helps those who help themselves.
4 tough as nails very tough 1531
You have to be tough as nails or you won't get anywhere with him.
1 How are you? 1540
Hello! How are you?
1 see you later! 1541
Goodbye, see you later!
4 How dare you! 1553
This is an outrage! How dare you!
4 You're kidding me used when someone says something surprising or that seems as if it could not be serious or true 1557
You're kidding me, right?
2 to be in a hurry to be under time pressure 1563
As I was in a hurry, I had to take a taxi.
5 to be on their toes be very careful 1570
The Germans met a compact Hungarian defence and had to be on their toes because of the dangerous counterattacks.
6 to be shipwrecked to suffer a crashing failure 1574
After a penalty shoot-out against Switzerland, world champion France was completely surprisingly shipwrecked in the round of 16 at the European Championships.
4 Such a crap! 1598
Such a crap! I've misplaced my glasses again.
3 What have I done to deserve this? one feels treated unfairly 1603
What have I done to deserve this?
3 opportunity makes the thief! 1615
Take good care of your luggage, as you know: opportunity makes the thief!
8 one after another 1657
Since NATO troops left Afghanistan, the Taliban have been on the march again. They are taking one major city after another.
8 quench the thirst 1659
Where is this rock formation that looks like a stone sea serpent quenching its thirst in the sea?
3 to have nothing to do with something 1675
Stop accusing me, I have nothing to do with this!
2 Go ahead! Just do it! 1693
Can I ask a question? Go ahead, ask it!
3 it is supposed to it is assumed that... 1730
We can forget our planned bike tour for today, it is supposed to rain all day!
4 quench the thirst drink enough 1737
There are some very cosy huts there where you can eat well and, above all, quench your thirst.
2 it won't happen again 1750
Excuse me, it won't happen again.
5 turn the other cheek forgive someone, renounce revenge 1762
It is a very common expression in the Italian language, meaning to forgive, not to react to a wrong with revenge but to seek reconciliation.
3 to turn the other cheek 1763
What does it mean to turn the other cheek?
4 run the risk of 1806
I have told you many times that you must not lean out of the window because you run the risk of falling.
2 this can't be true! 1830
Oh no, this can't be true!
1 God bless you! 1836
Achoo! God bless you!
4 No need to tell you it's obvious 1837
No need to tell you to be careful, the man is a raving lunatic, who's extremely dangerous!
8 as early as already 1841
With its extraordinary natural beauty, this area has always inspired nature lovers and was declared Croatia's first national park as early as 1949.
9 to take into consideration think about 1855
As production technology in engine construction has improved significantly in recent years, the running-in of a new vehicle is no longer taken into consideration.
5 go through the roof increase dramatically 1857
Land prices have gone through the roof in recent years, in some cases they have increased fivefold!
4 in the long run 1870
In a well-managed budget, expenditure should not exceed income in the long run.
4 to be honest 1896
What do you think of him? To be honest, this clown is very annoying.
5 in view of 1898
In view of the high incidences in some federal states, serious consideration is currently being given in Germany to compulsory general vaccination against Covid-19.
3 don't mind to have nothing against 1910
If you don't mind, I'd like to ride with you. Sure, no problem!
2 with pleasure 1917
Yes with pleasure, did you have a reservation?
4 come what may in any case 1933
He believed that I would stay with him, come what may, but he was wrong.
5 to be up to the task to have the skills for a task 1947
Congratulations on your promotion to Head of Department. I am sure you will be up to the new task.
4 opposites attract 1993
They say: opposites attract, but also: like attracts like.
9 turned the tide a situation reversed 2010
Verstappen was without a chance the whole race, but a safety car shortly before the end turned the tide. On the last lap, he overtook his rival with the fresher tyres and became world champion.
2 look at that, that is unusual, strange 2017
Look at that, I didn't expect that!
3 in full swing 2025
The race is on and the battle for the lead is in full swing.
4 to sleep on it to think twice about it 2063
The offer sounds very tempting, but I want to sleep on it!
4 hit like lightning something happens all of a sudden 2073
It hit him like lightning! When he saw her for the first time, he had immediately fallen madly in love with her.
4 it's not worth it 2075
It's not worth it to have your washing machine repaired. The repair will cost you almost as much as a new one!
4 as soon as possible 2077
You should start as soon as possible, otherwise you won't finish in time.
4 head over heels instantly 2098
He was totally enraptured by her beguiling scent and fell head over heels in love with her.
4 I'm all ears I'm a good listener 2103
Have you heard the latest? Tell me, I'm all ears!
2 What time is it? 2121
What time is it? Unfortunately, I don't have a watch with me either.
3 You can't do that! 2126
What? You won't give me a loan? You can't do that! Oh yes, I can!
3 we have to live with that it cannot be changed 2144
Prices are always higher on the motorway, but we have to live with that.
6 threw a spanner in the works suffer an unexpected obstacle 2178
He believed in a quiet retirement in his new home, but the floods threw a spanner in the works.
4 quick as a flash very fast 2183
Quick as a flash, she turned around and raced out of the room.
6 to close loopholes avoid breaking the rules 2201
It is imperative to close all loopholes in the nuclear non-proliferation regime.
4 that's out of the question 2212
I'm paying for dinner tonight. No, that's out of the question! It's on me!
5 to breathe a sigh of relief 2231
The election victory of the incumbent president prevented a shift to the right in France. Europe breathes a sigh of relief!
3 Don't worry 2244
Don't worry about getting to the station. I will take you there.
4 spare neither expense nor effort do everything for a certain goal 2267
He has spared neither expense nor effort in carefully preserving his collection of rare books.
3 be patient 2281
Be patient, it's almost ready! The first players are already coming onto the pitch!
3 I'm glad 2286
Oh, you came to our celebration after all, I'm glad!
5 to get mixed up 2289
He got his languages all mixed up and spoke total gibberish.
4 we laughed our heads off 2294
He told jokes all evening and we laughed our heads off.
2 more or less most of the time 2298
I learned Dutch more or less at home with books, radio and television.
2 I enjoy it I like it 2299
Why do I learn languages? Because I enjoy it!
5 from time to time sometimes, now and then 2319
From time to time a prolonged and lively clamour would tear him from his soft ecstasy and painfully affect his heart.
5 to do his/her best 2322
We did our best to defend him from the scoffers.
4 it's now or never 2337
What do you think, should I accept the offer? Of course, if I were you, I'd take it, it's now or never!
5 were completely out of their minds were totally thrilled 2356
After the Tour de France 2022 started in Denmark and the overall winner was also a Dane, Danish cycling fans were completely out of their minds.
8 in the true sense of the word 2361
Lichens consist largely of fungi that live in symbiosis with algae. They are therefore not plants in the true sense of the word.
5 to make itself known 2366
A new virus is making itself known: Similar to the AIDS virus in the eighties, monkeypox is spreading particularly strongly among gay men.
8 to be the epitome to be very well known for something 2367
The Cyclades Islands are the epitome of blue and white paradise. Santorini, Paros or Mykonos are definitely among the most beautiful spots in all of Europe!
4 loose track to no longer know what is happening, or not to remember something 2404
He was busy with so many things at the same time that he visibly lost track.
5 the nitty-gritty the basic facts of a situation 2411
The problem lies in the nitty-gritty. However, anybody thinking that the matter would therefore be a foregone conclusion, is mistaken.
3 go too far 2415
Well, this has gone too far for me, we should end the matter here!
3 like cat and dog when two people don't get along 2461
The two are like cat and dog, always fighting.
5 to awake the spirits 2483
For two years now, I have made it a habit to take a cold shower in the morning. It toughens me up and awakens my spirits.
3 work day and night 2485
The father worked day and night to feed his family.
8 throw in the towel give up after a hard fight 2490
British Prime Minister Liz Truss throws in the towel and resigns after six weeks in office.
5 leave someone in the lurch to leave someone without help or protection when it is needed. 2551
It's not his fault that he left you in the lurch.
5 to pave the way clear the way for something 2556
Yesterday, NASA's "Artemis" lunar mission returned to Earth. The successful mission now paves the way for the first manned flight in 2024.
4 hats off! An expression of admiration 2570
She really made a great meal, hats off! I wouldn't have thought she could do that!
3 All or nothing to go all out 2571
After losing the first two rounds, he fought in the third round according to the motto: All or nothing!
4 a grain of comfort a bit of consolation 2619
It's a grain of comfort, that the thieves did not manage to open our safe.
4 in full swing 2628
Rescue work is in full swing after the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria.
3 once and for all definitely 2658
We should solve the problem once and for all, otherwise we will always have to struggle with it!
4 Let this be a lesson to me 2674
Let this be a lesson to me, I will hold back my comments in future!
4 get ripped off to cheat someone by charging too much money or giving too few money 2683
What? You sold him your bike for a hundred euros? You let yourself get ripped off, it was worth much more!
4 my bits and pieces my things that I need 2714
I still have to get my bits and pieces together and then I'm ready to go.
4 while stocks last while there is still something left 2747
Get our special offers on household goods while stocks last!
9 at bay forced to face or confront one's attackers 2772
Her soul is cramped and flashing in the dark. All the senses at bay, she is short-circuited, feels empty and bottomless.
8 take further steps 2841
Prigozhin has accepted Belarusian President Lukashenko's proposal to stop Wagner Group's advance toward Moscow and take further steps to de-escalate tensions.
4 scratch his head think hard 2852
Realizing his tactic wasn't working, he scratched his head and thought about what to do.
4 proved to be wrong to be mistaken 2866
I didn't think a woman could be so malicious, but I was proved wrong.
4 there's no way around it 2877
Everything breaks down at some point, there's no way around it.
4 Sooner or later 2878
Sooner or later, everything we have produced becomes waste and must be returned to the material cycle as possible.
3 it is high time! it is urgent 2941
Let us set out, friends, it is high time!
4 fuck you! 3064
You want me to bail you out again? Fuck you!
5 German idiom: to walk on thin ice to take a high risk 3084
We are treading on very thin ice with this endeavour, so we should take the necessary precautions.
4 make a virtue out of necessity turn a disadvantage into an advantage 3103
She had no money to buy a dress. So she made a virtue of necessity and turned an old dress into a smart new one.
4 in the absence of 3135
In the absence of reasonable income, there are entire families with nothing to eat.
4 there is no way around it 3138
If we want to achieve our big goal, we have to accept a few disadvantages, there is no way around it.
4 got the whole thing off our chest relieve oneself mentally 3139
After our quarrel, we got the whole thing off our chest and now everything is fine between us again.
4 enter into force become valid 3160
It is crucial that this directive can enter into force as soon as possible, and that means tomorrow.
9 leave his mark on 3165
Henry Kissinger has died at the age of 100. He left his mark on American post-war history and became synonymous with realpolitik. He was revered and hated for this.
4 cause a furore everyone talks about it 3171
The ChatGPT programme has been causing a furore recently. It is the first freely accessible programme with artificial intelligence.
4 from the corner of my eye 3233
I kept my distance and watched from the corner of my eye as the two men disappeared into a beach bar.
4 He is jerking off he masturbates 3249
When a man masturbates, it is colloquially said: He is jerking off.
3 not a clue not the slightest idea 3264
Do you have any idea how this thing works? No, not a clue.
4 pull the strings to steer events from the background 3289
You can't blame him alone for his evil actions, she was the one pulling the strings.
5 his face flushed with shame 3318
When the young girl stood naked in front of him, he couldn't help but get an erection and his face flushed with shame.
4 you're screwed vulgar for: being in big trouble 3352
That's what you get now! You can no longer repay your debts and now you're screwed!
4 that's not my thing I don't like that 3356
Do you like liquorice? No, that's not really my thing, I prefer chocolate.
4 to go all out to put all your energy or enthusiasm into what you are doing 3389
For my milestone birthday this year, I really went all out.
5 hit on someone make advances to sb. 3407
I was hit on by a disgusting guy last night.
4 make a pass at somebody approach someone with sexual intentions 3415
At the last party, he shamelessly made a pass at my sister.
8 to fall victim 3456
Almost exactly 5 years after Notre-Dame in Paris, another historic building has fallen victim to the flames: the old stock exchange in Copenhagen was almost completely burnt out during renovation work.
4 to take the breath away impress very strongly 3469
The beauty of the sunrise on the mountain was a spectacle that took our breath away.
4 It goes without saying It is self-evident 3492
It goes without saying that this is a weighty and costly project but also a necessary one.
4 a wild goose chase a search that is completely unsuccessful and a waste of time 3494
After two hours spent wandering in the snow, I realized we were on a wild goose chase.
3 love at first sight 3499
The only true love is love at first sight; the second glance breaks the spell.
4 to be frightened out of his wits 3512
He was frightened out of his wits, when suddenly a man appeared out of the dark with a weapon in his hand.
3 to have the guts to have the courage 3514
He is a bit shy and he doesn't have the guts to ask her on a date.
3 the end justifies the means A good goal excuses unpleasant means to this end 3537
If you do something unpleasant or unpopular, you often excuse it with the saying: the end justifies the means.
4 to put at stake put in danger 3542
The soldiers on the front have put at stake their lives for two years and must be replaced now.
4 to get cold feet getting afraid to do something 3615
Others get cold feet as soon as the wind blows in their face!
9 to loose his thread cease to follow the sense of what is said. 3629
In the first speech duel with Trump, the 81-year-old incumbent president performed disastrously at times: Biden stuttered, lost his thread at times, and spoke with a weak voice.
4 I don't give a shit! that doesn't interest me at all 3631
Did you hear that? Our team has lost again! I don't give a shit!
4 I don't care 3632
Oh, you've had your expensive car stolen? I don't care, I've got another one.
4 hope dies last there is always a bit of hope 3728
It looks pretty bad, but hope dies last.
4 has given up the ghost has broken 3730
The old fan, despite lubrication, had finally given up the ghost and been replaced by a new, bigger and quieter one.
4 there are worse things 3842
It's outrageous, the guy just peed in our garden! Well, there are worse things.
3 what the heck showing anger or surprise 3843
What the heck is he talking about?
8 cut a good figure look good or perform well 3846
In the first and perhaps only televised duel, US Vice President Kamala Harris cut a good figure against former President Trump and is currently ahead in the polls.
4 imminent danger 3854
Danger is said to be imminent if the danger lies precisely in postponing or delaying something.
3 What I wanted to say 3881
What I wanted to say: Watch out for him, he's been drinking!
8 it remains to be seen it is not yet certain 3882
The far right also wins the parliamentary elections in Austria. However, it remains to be seen whether the OFP will also enter government.
5 I can't afford that is too expensive or too risky for me 3900
That was an attempt at a bribe. In my position, I can't afford to go along with it. Have you often tried to bribe the authorities?
7 to have in common 3910
What do marjoram and oregano have in common and what are the differences?
4 that will not throw a spanner in the works to do something that prevents a plan or activity from succeeding 3974
Weather conditions are favourable today so that will not throw a spanner in the works.
4 take on board to understand or accept an idea or a piece of information 3995
I take on board what he said, but with one important nuance.
4 I feel as snug as a bug in a rug. I am in a very comfortable position. 4016
I feel as snug as a bug in a rug.
4 For God's sake Expression of despair and impatience 4072
For God's sake stop dithering and make up your mind!
5 to make things happen to make something possible 4084
We have to thank all the people who helped us, because an unbelievable amount of work went on behind the scenes to make this great event happen.
4 to hit rock bottom reach a low 4087
After a sharp decline of memberships, the club had hit rock bottom.
8 to be in tatters to lie in ruins 4089
All asylum organisations have said that the immigration policy is now in tatters and that it must be reformed.
8 stay afloat do not perish 4132
Tax relief has helped many companies stay afloat during the crisis.
2 everything is fine 4140
Is something wrong? No, everything is fine.
5 call into question 4169
The rule risked not only being called into question, but also becoming superfluous.
8 makes a name for himself 4177
Even before his inauguration, Trump makes a name for himself: he demands the return of the Panama Canal to the USA because American ships allegedly have to pay excessive transit fees.
3 for good for always 4183
He packed his things yesterday and moved out. Apparently he's staying away for good.
3 hope dies last 4241
Hope dies last, everything will be better tomorrow!
5 give oneself airs to pretend something 4258
He gives himself airs of bravado, but deep down he is just a rookie!
4 the driving force 4261
Municipalities are the driving force behind economic growth in Europe.
2 see you later 4274
I have to go now. Okay, see you later.
4 to rise above themselves achieve something extraordinary 4283
So, if they still want to win the game, they have to rise above themselves.
4 there is no doubt about it 4295
He had a dodgy return after his injury but this guy is class, there is no doubt about it.
8 to show no sign of abating something is not decreasing 4341
Several thousand earthquakes in a fortnight alone: the series of tremors around the Greek island of Santorini shows no sign of abating. Around half of the inhabitants have left the island.
4 we did without it 4352
The price for the concert ticket was preposterous, we did without it.