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Sprache Level Lösung Satz-Nummer
4 Nowaja Semlja (Russia) 798
The almost uninhabited island group consists of two large islands, lies in the polar sea and is about 900 km long.
3 Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) -1 point 799
Here there is the famous Jesus statue, which stands high above the city on a mountain.
5 the oak tree - 2 points 800
The hard wood and the characteristic late falling leaves made this tree a symbol of immortality and steadfastness.
8 the spruce - 3 points 801
This tree is one of the most important tree species used in forestry because of its rapid growth and low demands on the site.
9 South Georgia - 4 points 802
This island is considered one of the most important breeding grounds of the King Penguin. It is estimated that about 400, 000 animals of this species live there.
8 the kernel - 3 points 812
It is the basis of an operating system and forms the lowest layer of the software. It has direct access to the hardware.
3 the Khyber-Pass (2 points) 813
You have to overcome this pass if you travel by car from Afghanistan to Pakistan.
4 the Hindu Kush - 3 points 814
It is the western foothills of the Himalayas and consists of dry, 4000 to 5000 m high mountains, mostly in Afghanistan.
4 Uluru (old name Ayers Rock) - 2 points 841
What is the name of the famous monolith in the heart of Australia, sacred to the Aborigines?
8 Lake Atitlan - 3 points 844
With a maximum depth of about 340m it is the deepest lake of Central America in the southwest of Guatemala.
8 Nullarbor Plain - 3 points 849
What is the name of the flat, vast karst desert in southern Australia directly on the Great Australian Bay?
3 21,196 kilometres - whoever is closest gets 3 points 850
An estimation question: How long is the Great Wall of China?
3 succulents - 3 points 861
What do you call plants that store water?
3 in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains - 3 points 865
In which mountain range is the Bastei, a famous viewpoint in Saxony?
7 Saint-Pierre and Miquelon - 5 points 937
This small group of islands east of the Canadian coast is the last remnant of the French colony of New France.
3 silver (but is more expensive) - 2 points 982
Which element conducts electricity better, copper or silver?
8 the Seward Peninsula - 5 points 985
What is the name of the peninsula whose western tip lies on the Bering Strait and is only 83 km as the crow flies from the Asian mainland.
5 Cassius Clay, later Muhammad Ali - 1 point 1006
Which boxer was the 1964 Olympic Champion and later world heavyweight champion and became the greatest of all time?
5 like a tennis ball (about 7 meters away) - 3 points 1019
If the earth were as big as a basketball, how big would the moon be, like a football, a handball, a tennis ball or a table tennis ball?
4 Charles de Gaulle - 2 points 1024
He was in exile in England during the war and President of France from 1959 to 1969.
7 Axolotl - 5 points 1050
This endangered salamander is mainly native to Lake Xochimilco near Mexico City.
4 Thomas Jefferson - 3 points 1103
He was one of America's founding fathers and the principal author of the American Declaration of Independence in 1776.
2 George Washington (1732-1799) - 1 point 1300
He was the first President of the United States.
3 Dutch - 3 points 1326
What is the official language in Suriname?
7 Kilimanjaro (5895 m) - 2 points 1395
What is the name of the highest mountain in Africa?
9 the nutria - 5 points 1503
The fur of this animal, which is characterised by a thick, fine coat and very light leather, is widely used in fur production for making or lining outer garments.
7 Plitvice Lakes National Park - 3 points 1508
This national park in Croatia is known for its numerous waterfalls and a total of 16 turquoise lakes. What is it called?
2 Wellington (New Zealand) - 3 points 1573
Which is the southernmost capital in the world?
7 to the Seychelles - 3 points 1581
To which archipelago does the island of La Digue belong?
7 Juneau (named after the prospector Joe Juneau) - 5 points 1595
What is the capital of the US state of Alaska called?
8 Pantanal - 5 points 1597
This wetland is located in Brazil and, with an area of 230 thousand square kilometres, is about the size of Great Britain. What is it called?
9 Federica Pellegrini - 4 points 1627
She is the "grande dame" of swimming. The Italian swimmer already took part in the 2004 Olympic Games and reached the final of the 200-metre freestyle in Tokyo at the age of 32.
4 Winston Churchill (1874 - 1965) - 2 points 1803
He was British Prime Minister in 1945 and was voted out of office during the Potsdam Conference.
8 Platinum (Pt) - 3 points 1804
It has a high density and is a precious, malleable, ductile, grey-white metal with the atomic number 78.
8 Pyrite (FeS2) - 2 points 1805
It is a very common mineral and is also called fool's gold because of its golden colour. Chemically, it is iron disulphide.
9 Pitchblende (uraninite) - 4 points 1807
It is a strongly radioactive mineral. It gets its name from its colour. It is black to pitch-glossy and usually has a grape-like shape.
8 Greta Garbo (1905-1990) - 2 points 1865
She was a Swedish-US film actress and became the face of the 1920s and 1930s.
9 Joan Crawford (1908 - 1977, real name Lucille LeSueur) - 5 points 1866
She was the queen of classic Hollywood melodramas, pioneering the portrayal of unscrupulous career women and ruthless prey vultures.
9 Heligoland - 3 points ... RAF = Royal Airforce 1962
The RAF used the island as a training target for bombing after the Second World War and it was to be blown up in 1947. What is the name of the island?
9 Fraser River - 4 points 2000
This river rises in the Rocky Mountains, cuts through rugged valleys in central British Columbia and finally flows into the sea south of Vancouver. What is it called?
5 Pig Island (an uninhabited island in the Bahamas) - 5 points 2006
Visitors delight in the sight of up to 20 pigs running across the beach into the water and beginning to bathe in it with delight. Where is it?
8 Kiribati (an island nation in the Pacific Ocean with only 811 square kilometres of land area) - 4 points 2056
With a total area of over 5 million square kilometres, this state is one of the largest on earth, but it has only 120 thousand inhabitants, which state is that?
8 Faroe Islands (belonging to Denmark) - 3 points 2064
These islands between Iceland and Norway in the North Atlantic fascinate with their breathtaking and for the most part still untouched nature, what are they called?
8 "Cinque Terre" (the 5 towns are Vernazza, Monterosso al Mare, Corniglia, Manarola, Riomaggiore) - 3 points 2083
No cars are allowed in these five small fishing villages, which makes time seem to stand still here on the Ligurian coast in northwest Italy. What do you call these places?
7 The Emperor Penguin - 3 points 2148
Which bird is the largest of all in the Antarctic region?
8 Edson Arantes do Nascimento (Pelé) - 1 point, full name 4 points 2351
He is the only footballer in the world to win the World Cup three times. What is the name of the Brazilian football legend?
4 The sense of balance and body awareness - 5 points 2439
In addition to the classic five human senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, there are two more, what are they?
8 Poland - 2 points 2505
This country was occupied several times by its neighbours, who then divided up the territory. Today it belongs to the EU.
8 Lesotho - 4 points 2506
This territory, completely surrounded by another country, became independent in 1966 and emerged from the British colony of Basutoland.
7 Denmark (administers Greenland) - 2 points 2508
This country is only half the size of Austria, but administers the largest island in the world.
7 Philippines - 3 points 2509
This state has over 7000 islands, but is smaller in area than Italy.
8 Central African Republic - 3 points 2510
This African country became famous in the 1960s through Bokassa, who turned the republic into a monarchy and had himself crowned emperor.
9 Madagascar - 2 points 2511
This state is located on the fourth largest island in the world. It is sometimes called the eighth continent because a long isolated development has created a very distinct nature.
7 Algeria 2515
It is the largest country in Africa and only became independent from France after a long war in 1962.
9 Cuba - 1 point 2516
When the Soviet Union wanted to station nuclear missiles in this country, this led to a serious international crisis and almost to a war between the superpowers USA and USSR.
7 Marshal Philippe Pétain (* 24 April 1856; † 23 July 1951) 2520
He ruled unoccupied France from Vichy during the Second World War and was the "Hero of Verdun".
8 Cape Verde - 3 points 2521
This island nation was a Portuguese colony from 1461 and a transhipment point for the slave trade from Africa to America in the sixteenth century.
8 Swaziland, since 2018 Eswatini 2526
This small country lies between South Africa and Mozambique and changed its name in 2018. Both names, the old and the new, count as the correct answer.
8 Sudan (now in third place with 1.86 million sq km) 2536
This state was Africa's largest country in terms of area until 2011, but then the southern part seceded after a prolonged civil war.
8 Pyrite (also called fool's gold), chemical form FeS2 2605
This mineral looks like gold, but is nowhere near as valuable because it consists only of iron and sulphur. What is it called?
8 Neville Chamberlain (1869 - 1940) 2630
This British Prime Minister tried to prevent the Second World War in 1937 with the Munich Agreement, but in vain.
4 Silvio Berlusconi (29 settembre 1936 - 12 giugno 2023) 2888
He was Prime Minister of Italy four times and founded the party "Forza Italia". In 2013 he was convicted of tax fraud.
8 Simone Veil (July 13, 1927 - June 30, 2017) 2993
As a Jew, she narrowly escaped being murdered by the Nazis, later became Minister of Health in the French cabinet and President of the European Parliament.
8 Konrad Adenauer (January 5, 1876 - April 19, 1967) 2994
Together with Charles de Gaulle, he signed the friendship treaty between the Federal Republic of Germany and France in 1963.
8 Cappadocia 3005
Here we find the so-called fairy chimneys. What is the name of this extraordinary landscape in Anatolia?
3 a total solar eclipse 3008
What do you call the spectacle in the sky when the moon is exactly between the sun and the earth?
4 Franz Beckenbauer (11. 09.1945 - 07.01.2024) 3009
This elegant footballer was a world champion as a player and as a coach. In his homeland he was called "the emperor".
7 Mt Logan (5959m high) in Kluane National Park, Yukon Territory 3090
What is the name of the highest mountain in Canada?
7 Mount Elbrus (the highest peak in the Caucasus at 5642 metres) 3091
Which is the highest mountain in Russia?
8 Simón Bolívar (24 July 1783 - 17 December 1830) 3095
He is the national hero of several South American and Caribbean countries. He led the wars of independence against Spanish colonial rule there.
8 Ernest Hemingway (21 July 1899 - 2 July 1961) 3100
This American winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature lived in Cuba for a long time and wrote among other things about the Spanish Civil War, in which he actively participated,
4 Thomas Alva Edison (11. 02 1847 - 18. 10. 1931) 3184
He was an inventor in the field of electrical engineering and became famous in particular for his innovative light bulb.
8 Yitzhak Rabin (1 March 1922 – 4 November 1995) 3313
He was prime minister of Israel twice and signed several historic agreements with the Palestinian leadership. In 1994, he won the Nobel Peace Prize and was assassinated in 1995.
9 Charlie Chaplin (16 April 1889 - 25 December 1977) 3316
He was a British comedian, actor, director, screenwriter, film editor, composer and film producer and is regarded as the first world star of cinema.
8 Bruce Lee ( 27 November 1940 - 20 July 1973) 3517
He is considered an icon of martial arts film and is regarded by many as the greatest martial artist of the 20th century.
4 Brigitte Bardot, born 28 September 1934 3645
She was the French model actress of the sixties, adored by men all over the world, and later became involved in animal welfare.
5 Raquel Welch, 5. 9. 1940 - 15. 2. 2023 3646
This American actress was the beauty ideal in the sixties and seventies. She gained worldwide popularity with the film "A Million Years Ago", in which she appeared in a skimpy fur bikini.
9 Charles Aznavour 22. 05. 1924 - 1. 10. 2018 3899
He was born in Paris in 1924 and is one of the outstanding personalities of French chanson. His mother had fled Smyrna in 1915 to escape the Turkish genocide of the Armenians.
8 Dante Alighieri (1265 - 1321) 3913
He was born many years ago in Florence. He was a poet, writer and politician and became famous for writing the "Divine Comedy".
8 Udo Jürgens (30.09.1934 - 21.12.2014) 4176
He grew up in Austria, was a Swiss citizen and lived in Germany. He was one of the greatest singers and composers of popular music in the German-speaking world.
8 Carlos Santana ( * 20. Juli 1947 ) 4377
He is an American guitarist of Mexican origin who has expanded rock music to include Latin rock. His best-known piece is the instrumental Samba Pa Ti.