
Anzeige Vokabeln nach diversen Kriterien

Hilfe anderes Spiel

Hilfe für die Anzeige der Vokabeln

Auf diesem Bild kannst du die Vokabeln nach verschiedenen Kriterien anzeigen. Wenn du alle Level auswählst, werden die Vokabeln in ihren jeweiligen Levels angezeigt, wo sie zum ersten Mal auftreten. D.h. wenn eine Vokabel z.B. in Level1 vorkommt, wird sie in den höheren Levels nicht mehr angezeigt.

Wenn du dann auf eine Vokabel klickst, wird sie in das Feld "selektierte Vokabel" gestellt. Du kannst diese Vokabel übersetzen lassen, sie in deine persönlichen Vokabeln bringen oder den zugehörigen Satz anzeigen.

Wenn du im Feld "mit Zeichenkette" etwas eingibst, werden alle Vokabeln angezeigt, in denen diese Buchstabenfolge vorkommt.

Wenn du im Feld "ab Anfangsbuchstaben" etwas eingibst, werden alle Vokabeln selektiert, die diese Anfangsbuchstaben haben und die danach kommen.

Wenn du in beiden Feldern etwas eingibst, nimmt das Programm nur das zweite Feld (ab Anfangsbuchstaben).

Neue Vokabeln werden erst dann aufgenommen, wenn der Admin den zugehörigen Satz  freigegeben hat. Ganz frisch freigegebene Vokabeln werden nicht sofort in der Liste auftauchen, sie müssen erst durch einen Batchlauf in die Vokabelliste aufgenommen werden. 

Anzeigen der zugehörigen Sätze

Klicke auf ein Wort, es wird dann in das Feld für selektierte Vokabeln gestellt. Mit dem Button "Satz/Sätze anzeigen" zeigst du die myPhraser-Sätze an, in denen dieses Wort vorkommt. Die vorhandenen Übersetzungen werden gleich mit angezeigt.

Wenn du nur einen Level auswählst, bekommst du nur Sätze zu diesem Leve angezeigt.

Wenn du alle Levels selektierst, bekommst du auch Sätze anderer Level angezeigt, in denen dieses Wort vorkommt.

Übersetzungen von Vokabeln

MyPhraser ist kein Wörterbuch, sondern ein Übungsprogramm. Wer dennoch Vokabeln aus myPhraser in andere Sprachen übersetzen will, kann auf dieser Seite ein externes Wörterbuch aufrufen. Reverso hat sehr viele Sprachkombinationen und bietet sich daher an. Das selektierte Wort wird an das Wörterbuch übergeben. Weil für jeden Aufruf ein neuer Tab erzeugt wird, kannst du mit Löschen des Tabs nach myPhraser zurückkehren.

Für angemeldeter User:

Persönliche Vokabeln merken, um sie gezielt zu lernen

Als angemeldeter User kannst du eine persönliche Vokabelliste pro Sprache führen. In den Selektionsbildern für diverse Spiele kannst du Sätze mit diesen Vokabeln gezielt selektieren und damit üben.


Als Sprachenliebhaber findet man bestimmte Wörter besonders schön und möchte diese besonders intensiv lernen. Du kannst sie unter "meine Lieblingsvokabeln" in deinen persönlichen Daten speichern. 


Jeder Lernende hat einige Vokabeln, die er sich einfach nicht merken kann. Diese kannst du hier ebenfalls sammeln und gezielt wiederholen. Hier speicherst du auch Vokabeln, die du ganz allgemein lernen möchtest.

Meine Vokabeln

Die gespeicherten Vokabeln werden unter "persönliche Daten -> meine Vokabeln" angezeigt und können dort wieder gelöscht werden. Über diesen Button springst du in deine persönlichen Daten. Es wird ein neuer Tab erzeugt, durch Löschen des Tabs kehrst du zur Anzeige der Vokabeln zurück.


Hilfe beenden X

site name = vocabs
controller name = vocabsController

Doku beenden X


Level 1

ache Achoo address After all already and apple are arms arrive away ball basket bed been beer beside between bigger bike bill bird bless blood blue book bottle boy brain bread breathe broken brush bus but buy Bye Can can't car care carry cat CET chairs children Chinese cloud coffee cold colourful comb come cut dark date daughters day dinner does dog doll don't dove drinking Dublin dumb Dutch ears earth eat eating Eight eight eighteen eighty elephant Eleven eleven English Everything eyes fast father feel fifteen fifty fine finished Five five flies flown flows food forest forty forty-two four fourteen French from game German getting girl God going Good good Goodbye got grass grateful green grey hair half hanging harbour hard has have having He's heavy Hello high hit home hot How How's hurting I'd I'll I'm I've into It's it's Italian jumps just kiss languages late later lawn lead leaf leave legs lemon Let's letter lies Life like listen little living look love low lungs madam make makes man May meal mean menu metres milk minus Monday moon morning motorbike mountain mouth mow much myPhraser name next nice Nine nine nineteen ninety ninety-nine nose not now numbers ocean office old One one order Ouch Our our out over past path pink plane platform play please plus Portuguese present pretty Quiet raining read ready really red Richard ride right roof room rotted round run running say school See see set seven seventeen seventy shining ship since single-digit sitting Six six sixteen sixty sky sleep slice slowly smart smell smells sniffles snow sofa sold some something son sorry Spanish speak stars starts staying still stomach stone stroke stupid summer sun swim swimmer take taller tap teeth ten than that that's The the These think thinking thirsty thirteen thirty this Three

Level 2

about above accommodation According across actor adults aeroplane after afternoon again ahead air airport allowed alone also Always always another answer any Anyone anyone anything Anywhere apartment apples April Are around Asian ask asked asleep August aunt back bad baking balloon banks barks bathing bathroom bathtub beach beard beats beautiful Because because bedroom Beer Before before behind believe belly below Berlin best better bicycle big biggest biological birdboxes birds Birthday birthday bite bitten black blind blows board boiled bones books bored boring bought bouquet bowl branch break breakfast bright bring brother brother-in-law brown browser building burnt burst business butter calf call called calmly came campaign can cancelled cannibal cannibals cannot capital card cards careful carefully caress carried cash cat's catch catches Categories ceiling celebrate centre chair cheap check chew chick chicken child childhood Chile China Christmas church cigarette city class clean clear closed coffee's collapsed colleagues Cologne colour Come comes comfortable coming company completely concentrate consist continue convinced cook corner cost Could could couldn't countryside course cousin cow's crazy cream crowed cuisine culture curious daughter days dead dear death December decision deep delayed Denmark dentist depart departure depends desperately Did did didn't died difference difficult dining Dinner Dinner's dirty discreetly discuss dishes divided doctor Does Doing doing Don't done door double down dream dreams drink drive driveway drum dry during early Earth East easy eaten education egg eighth either elegantly employee end engaged enjoy enough entrance Europe evacuated evening ever every everyone everything example exciting Excuse exit expect extraordinarily fair fallen family famous far faster fat fatter fattest fatty favourite fear February fee feeling feet fell felt fence fever fewer field fifth finally find finger finish first fit flat flew flight foggy Follow foot football footballer For for forecast forget forgotten fourth freezing fresh Friday fridge fried friend From front

Level 3

A-levels Ability ablaze able abroad absorb accelerate accent accept accepts accident according accurately accusing achieve achieved achievement action actions activities acts actually add Adjacent adjusted administrative admit adored adult advance afford affordable Afghanistan afraid Africa against age agile ago agreed aid Airport alcohol All Almost almost along alp alphabet alpine Alps amazed Amman amusement And anglicisms animal announce annoys annual answers Antarctica Antilles anymore Anyway anyway apart apologise Apparently appearance appetite appliances applied applies applying appointment area arguments arm Around arrived arrives arriving artist ascent ashamed asks assembled assholes astronaut atom attack attend attention audience Australia autumn available avoid babies baby Back backgammon backwards bags bald ban Banking bankrupt banned bar barked barn basement Bastei battle beam bears beat beaver became become beds bedtime begin beginning begins behaves being belongs bend Besides bet betrayed Better bills birth bit blackbird blackbirds blanket blaze blew block blocked blooming blow BMW boat bobble booed booked boots borders borehole bores born borne boss bother bow boxer boxes breaks breath bridges brigade brightening brighter brightest brightly brilliant brings Britain broke broom brought buildings built bull bullshit bum bunny burning bushes busy But buying cake calculate calling callous calls calm cancer candelabra cans Cardboard career Careful careless caring carnival carpets cars cart carton carved case cases cathedral caught cause cave celebration cellar cent cereal certainly chairmen challenge champagne chance change changed changes chaotic chasing cheating cheek cheered cheers cheese cheetah cherry chess chest chirping choice choose chop chords cinema clapped Claus cleaned clever cleverer climate climb climbed climber cloakroom clogged close closet cloth clothes clothesline clouds club clue coach coast coat cock cocktail colder collect collection collector colours command commented common complain completed compliment compost comprehensively computer concern concerns conditions conducts confidence connecting consequences considerable considering consists consumption contains content convicted cooked cool cooler copper coral

Level 4

-metre aback abandoned abdomen abhorrent Aborigines aborted absence absolute absolutely abuse accessible accompanied accompanies accomplish account accumulated achieving acid-set acorns acquaintance acquaintances acquitted act acted active actively actress Actually addition additionally adjust adjustments administration admirable admired admiring advantage advantages adventure adverse advertisements advice advisor advocate advocates affairs affected affirmation African Afterwards agenda agree agreement agricultural agriculture aground aim Air aircraft airline airplane alarm alcoholism algae Algerian alive allergic allergy allied allow alloy Alpine alternative America America's American amicably amidst among anchor ancient angry animals ankle anniversary annoyed annoying antiques antlers anxiety anytime anywhere Apart apostrophe app apparently appeared apply approach approve approved arcades archaeologist archer architect Argentina argument army arranged arrested arrow arsehole Art art artificial Ascension Asia aside asking asparagus assets association assumed assurance athlete Atlantic Atlas atmosphere attacking attempt attempting Attention attic attract attracted attracts Austria Austrian author authorised authorities autumnal averse avocados aware awareness axolotl Azores backfire backs backstroke badly bag baguette bail baker bakery ballpoint balls bananas band banging bank banknotes barbecue barely bargain barley barrels basis bat bathrooms baton Bats battlefield Bayern beaten beauty becomes becoming bedrooms bees began beguiling behaved behaving behavior behaviour beheaded beings believed believer belittled bench bequeathed berries betting bettors beware bid bidder bids bikers billion Billionaire binding binoculars biscuit biscuits bits Bitterness blacksmith blame bleated bleats bloodshed blossoms blueberries blunt-nosed blush boar boarding boarlet boars boats bockwurst body bog boiling bookkeeping boot border bore boredom Boris botany both bottom boulders bound bowel Brandenburg brass brave breakdown breaststroke breathing breathtaking bribery bridge brim brinkmanship brioche British broad brokerage bronchitis Bronze brooding Brussels bucks budget bug build bulb bulk bullet bullying Bundesliga Bundestag buoyant burial burrito busier businesses businessman bust butcher butler butterflies butterfly buttocks buzzard cabbage cable cackles cafes Calanches calculation calculator calmed camel's Cameroon camper Can't canceled canoes capable capturing

Level 5

-day -year -year-old -years-old abandon abducted Abe ability abomination About abstained abundant accepted Access access accidentally Accountability accumulate achilles acknowledged acting activists adorned advanced advertise affect affecting againtest Ago AIDS airports airs airships airspace alas Alaska albeit alcoholic alder alike alliance aloe Although although Amidst amount ancestress Andromeda anger annexation announces anthill antidote antigen ants anybody apartheid apocalyptic apotheosis appalling appeal appear archipelago architecture areas arising armchair armed Armenians Armstrong arrogance Artemis article ascendant ascetic ash assassination assault Assembly athletes attacked attacks attended attorneys attraction aubergines Auburn Australia's Australian authority average aviation avoided avoiding awakens Baikal balding Balthasar Baltic Bank banking barcodes bark Barrier barriers bars base based Basilica basketball bathe beans bedbugs bee beech beetroot beforehand begun belt bending benefits bent besmirched Bethlehem Between beverages biblical Biden big-mouth bikini billions birch bird's bishop bites bitter Black blackberry blouse blushing Bolsonaro bolster bone booth borrowings bracket brake branches branching bravado brays Brazilian Brazilians Breach breadfruit breakage breaking breakneck breast breathes bribe Bridge Britain's Brothers brutality buds bureaucratic burner bustier buzzes bypass cactus Candelabra candidate's candle Cantinflear capacity capsizing carbon carries Cars cashier casinos Caspar catastrophe catcher Catholic celery Celsius Cemetery Central century ceremony chain chainring Champion championship Chancellor chances characteristic charm cheaper chip citizen citizens civil civilian clamour cleansing clears cliffs climate-friendly cloak closest closing cluster co-worker coaxed Colombo colony color comic commercial commonly communities compact complaining Comply compulsory computerisation concerned conclude condemned conflict Conflicting conflicts Congratulations connection Conservatives consider consideration constant consultations consumed consumer consumers consuming contact contacts contempt contentedly contiguous continents contribute conversation cooker coos Cordillera costume costumes Council counterattacks counterpart courgettes covering cow crack crafts cramped crank crater created creek cricket criminal critical crop Cuba's cucumber cucumbers cupboards Cured cutting Czechoslovakia daily damaged dances Dandelion dandelion Dane Danish darken deadliest dealer decade decades deckchair decorating decreases decree

Level 7

Aboriginal acrylics adjectives administers Adolf adverbs Affair affidavit Alberta aldehyde aldehydes alkali Anatolia Angkor Antarctic Antimony antimony Antiquity aqua Arab Arctic artists atoll attractions attractive autonomous bacteria Bahamas Bay belong belonging Bemaraha billabong biodiversity bioluminescence bolt Boracay bourbon caliph Cambodia Canada Canadian Carinthia Carpathians Castle cenotes Centaur chambers chariot Chathams Chefchaouen chemical chorizo Christians City coastline coined coloured colouring combines compared competition component compounds connect Consequences constellation constellations convert Courchevel Creole Croatia Croatian crystals cubic Cyclades Cyrillic dateline deduct dehesa Deneb descendants describe devide diameter Diamond differ differently Digue distilled dive dominance Dreyfus dried-up Drumheller Duck Dugi eaters EEC elevation emirate endangered Epiphany equatorial eugenics Everywhere evolutionary expedition expressed Fahrenheit Falls fermentation floating formations franca Fujiyama gamma ganglion Garibaldi Gaza geological Giuseppe glacial Greeks Greenland Group haematite hashish hernia Hero Hitler Hochosterwitz humans hunter-gatherers hybrid Hydra Ibiza idiosyncratic impostor inert iron Island Israeli Iten Jenny Kelimutu Kenyan ketone Kick'em Kilimanjaro kilometers King Kingdom Lakshadweep lasted LEDs lemurs Leo lichens lingua Lion Lysefjord Macaronesia Macquarie Madagascar Madeira mainland Maipo Maldives Mandrills marijuana marine marjoram Matagarup Maya melts Meribel metal metals metaphysics Meteora metre mineralogy Minneapolis Moai multiply multitude native Nga north-westerly notorious obsidian obtained occurring ochre Octopuses one's oregano Otok oxide paddling paint paragenesis Paul peculiarity Pelota Peninsula period Perth phages Phang phenomenon Philippines phrase picturesque Pidgin pigments pisses piston poisonous Preikestolen preparation preposition pruned quartz radiation Ras-Mohammed reform regia remnant Romans roots Ruapehu ruled Sable Sahara Salt salty Samosir scenery Second seizure self-determination semimetals Seven sex Seychelles shapes shell Sinai Singapore skunk slalom Slavic slavic slogan smelly solar sovereign speciality spit status steam stink stops Strip stromatolites succulents Super-G surface surprises sustainability Swan swan temple tepuis thirtytwo Thousand tipping tonnes topics toxic treetop Truth Tsingy turquoise twin Under unoccupied unusually Utah Van Venezuela Verdun Vichy Victoria volcanites volcanoes Volkswagen Wakatipu

Level 8

-en -hour -metre-high -metre-long abating Abbey abdominal abruptly Abruzzo absorbs abundance Acadia accelerating accidents acclimatise accordance accordingly accumulation accuse accused aches achieves acid acquired Across activity adapt adaptability adaptation adapted adjective adjustable Adjusting adopt adopted adrenaline Adriatic Adult adverb Aegean afar AfD Afghans afloat Africa's Africans Age aggressive agreeing Agreement agreements aids aimed airstrikes al-Chali Albania Albert Ale Alec Aleppo Alexei Alfred Algeria alkaline allegations alleged allegedly allergies Allgaeu alloys alluding Alongside alongside Altair Altiplano Amazona Amazonia ambassadors Americas Amnesty amnesty Among amounts anarcho-capitalist Ancestral Andaman Andean Andes Angel Angeles Angeles' angle Angola announced Anse ant anteater Antelope anterior anti-gay anticipated Antigua Antofagasta Apennines Apostles apparatuses appears application applications Approximately approximately apricot Arabia Arabian arable Aral Ararat arch Archaeological archaeological archaeologically archery arches Argentina's Argentine Argentino argon Arita Arizaro Arizona Armenia armies armored aromatic arrest arsenal Artificial artistic arts Assad assailants Assal Assange assassinated assigned asthma Astrazeneca Atacama Atalanta Athens Athletics athletics atolls atomic atop attacker attitude audience's Aurora Auschwitz authoritarian autocratic auxiliary Auyan avenue averages awarded awarding Ayanz Azerbaijan Babis bacon Badminton Bagnoregio Bahama Baja Baku balance Baldwin Balkan ballots Bangkok Bangladesh Banks barbaric Bardenas barré basalt basil Basin Basketball basmati Basutoland batteries Battle battled battlefields bay Bayer bays beaches beak bear bearded Beaufort Beaumont Beckenbauer bedrock beet beetle beetles Beirut Belarus Belarusian Belgium Belize Bell Belo beloved Benin Benjamin Bergamo Bering Bern besieging best-known best-preserved Beyond Bezos Bhutan Bikaner Billions bindweed Biniam Bioethanol bioethanol biofuel biography biology bizarre bladder blames blazes bloc bloom blooms bodies Bokassa Bolivia Bolivia's Bolivian Bolsonaro's bomb bombardment bombed bombing Borealis Bosnian-Croat Both Bountiful boxing Boyard brace Bram breakdancing bricklayer BRICS british Brittany broad-tailed broader brochettes bronze Brooks Browsers Brush brutal Buda Budapest Buddha Bugaboos bugs builds Bulgarian burned burrow burrows Butscha cabinet Cabo Cairo Calanques Calascio caldera calderas California Caliph Callanish calming Caloris

Level 9

abbreviation absconded absurd Acapulco accepting Accidentally accommodating accuracy acetabulum added adding additional Aden adherence adhesive admits adventures aerial affair Affidavits agent Ages ages Ahaggar aims Al-Farid alarming Aldabra Aldehydes Algarve Alkali allowing allows Alsace Also alternating aluminum amazingly Ampat anal analyses analyzing angiospermous Anhydrous annexed Annobon announcement antennae antiretroviral apparent apparition appreciated approvals aptitude Aqua arc Area Argentine-Chilean Argentinian arid aristocrats Arkadiko armoury arose Arp articles aspect associated associates Association astounded atoms attached attendance attending authoritative awaits axially Aymara backing Bacteriophages Bali ballistic ballot balloting Baltimore bamboo Banff bans baobab bare baseline basic Basque Basques battle-hardened battles Bauxite beads beady bearing Beauvais Belgrade Benagil Bend bends Benedict beyond Bight biodiverse Biodiversity biogeographical Bioko Bird's blanketed blende blocks blown Blue blue-green blueberry bluish-silver boating Bodnath Bohol bond booking Borussia bottomless bounce boundary Bourbon box brackish brand Brazil's breakaway breathtakingly breeding bride's brittle broccoli brushes bubbles budgetary Bulgaria bumblebee by-products C-D-E-F-G-A-H-C cables cactuses cadastre Cadmium cadmium caesium caiman calcareous calcium Caledonia camping Campione candidate candidates canoe canopy canton cap captain captured caravan carbonated carbonyl caribbean Carnation Castillo Catalans Catalonia Cathedral cauliflower causal cautery CDU-CSU centre-forward Cerro Certain cervical Chamber chancellorship Change chanson Chapman's character charged chemically Chemicals Chichen chicory Chino chiselled chloride chloro-gold Chocolate chokeberry chopped circumstance clamps Classic Claudia clawed click-through clove-like cloves coal coalition cobalt coccyx coconut coercion columns comedian committee communicative comparable compete competitions complaints comply composer composition comprised concentrated concentrations concepts concerning condemn cones confirm confrontation Congolese Congress conjugated conjunctions conquer conquering conscience consisting constituencies Constitution containment context Convention conversions convoy Corcovado cord cornflower correlations correspondingly corrosive cover-ups coverage Covid crackdown cramp-like cranberry cranial creates creating creatures Credit crises crisis-stricken crocodile crossbill crossed Crowley crusades crystal cuddly cultivation cumin Cumulonimbus cure curves cyanobacteria cypress d'etat dame Daniels dayslong dazzling decathlon deceive decorate decorations decreased decrees definite deliberately delivered